Disable WordPress Plugins

How to Disable WordPress Plugins from MySQL Database (Easiest Way)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sometimes when you make any change in your site, then you can get some serious problem with your site. Even you can’t login to WP-Admin to fix that problem. For example, during any plugin installation time, you can get stuck or white screen. That means the plugin didn’t installed properly. If you are in this…

Leverage Browser Caching

How to Easily Leverage Browser Caching on WordPress

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you ever did a site speed test on Google PageSpeed Tools, GTmetrix or Pingdom, then you must notice that line “Leverage browser caching of static assets” or ” Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources”.    What is Leverage Browser Caching? Everytime a Browser loads a web page, it has to download the…

Add Google Analytics on WordPress

How to Add Google Analytics on WordPress (Step by Step Guide)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Every website owner’s dream is to become more popular, get huge traffic, gain more sales etc. Isn’t it, right? You probably wondering how to get those stuff. The main key is knowing your audience’s behavior, their interests, goals etc. For example, you run a coffee shop. So if you know what kind of coffee your customers…

How to fix Error 404 Page Not Found

How to Fix Error 404 Page Not Found in WordPress

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is “Error 404 Page Not Found” If you have a website, then you might face that kind of error “Error 404, Page Not Found” or not. But “Error 404” is a common issue for daily internet users or website owners. So you don’t need to panic about this. Mainly those “Page Not Found” are called dead…

remove website url

How to Disable / Remove Website URL Field from WordPress Comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Every WordPress Comment Box contains total 4 fields by default and those are Name, Email, Website URL and Comment area. You must notice that after opening your WordPress Admin dashboard, you get many notifications of SPAM comments blocked by Akismet. Akismet is a comment spam filtering and in the previous topic we discussed What is Akismet…